A Message from Coach Mackenzie

Fayson Gators, 

It has come to our attention that unfortunately we will not be able to finish out our season as planned. Between the loss of power and certain beach issues we will not be able to hold our last meet scheduled for this Saturday. Although we might not get to have our traditional goodbyes we, the coaches, just want to say that we are so proud of everyone this season! 2020 has come with unique situations and I was glad we were able to get the kids in the water safely in these challenging times. Being able to have some normalcy at the beach this summer has done all of us good. We met many new faces and seen much improvement in so little time! I hope to see everyone back in the lanes next summer ready to crush more times and most importantly have fun! Thank you all for your support and care helping make this season happen, we really couldn’t have done it without the community! Stay safe and even though I might not see you in the lanes I’ll see you at the beach soon!


Coach Mackenzie 


Swim Team Awards 2020


8/7 Beach Closed Until Sunday